Another DNSBL Shuts Down: Farewell to

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If your monitoring system woke you up today with news of your servers blacklisted on a DNSBL, take note. Another DNSBL has disappeared from the Internet scene as of March 26th, 2024.

If you’re using Matteo Corti’s check_rbl monitoring plugin, brace yourself. It appears that all your servers are now flagged on this defunct DNSBL:

“Mail servers appear listed on DNSBL”

Time to act. Adjust your monitoring list of DNSBLs checked by modifying the configuration file.

If you find that all your servers are appearing on a particular DNSBL while using Matteo Corti’s check_rbl monitoring plugin, adjustments are necessary to the list of checked DNSBLs. This can be done either by modifying the -s parameter or by adjusting the configuration (ini) file.

Here’s how to make the necessary changes:

nagios:~$ grep drand /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/rbl.ini

To resolve the issue, delete the entry or comment it out using the # symbol in the configuration file. By doing so, the plugin will cease checking this particular DNSBL.